Teaching with Zoom Meetings
Use the following steps to get yourself set up and ready to host classes through Zoom Meetings.
Get Setup
- Prepare your device(s): Be sure that your device has a working, microphone, and speaker. If you would like to appear on screen during the zoom session, make sure that you also have a working camera. With Zoom you may also choose to use a telephone and call in through a toll-based number (select International Numbers are also available).
- NOTE: Whenever possible, participants should use VoIP (Voice over IP or “calling from the computer/using computer audio”) for Zoom Meetings. Reserve the option to dial in only if you are having issues with VoIP or your computer. Be aware that local phone carriers may reach capacity during periods of extremely high usage. If this happens, you can also try calling on a mobile phone.
- Install Zoom meetings software: Download and install the Zoom desktop client and Outlook plugin.
- Sign in to Zoom (https://dtcc.zoom.us/) using your DTCC login and password.
- You can also access the Zoom Download Center to add the desktop app to your computer.
- You can also access Zoom on your Android or Apple device through the app store.
- Set your preferences: Customize your experience under ‘My Profile’
- Upload your picture for display when you are not sharing your video
- Update your personal meeting ID using your phone number is a great choice) and personal link to memorable IDs
- After configuring your settings, investigate your meetings and recording preferences to further customize
- UPDATE: Starting September 27, 2020, all Zoom meetings will require either a pass-code or waiting room. To learn more please read this update from Zoom.

Get Started
- Zoom offers full guides for getting started as well as scheduled live training and video tutorials. We recommend the following quick tutorials:
- Overview of Meeting Controls
- Using Zoom Breakout Rooms
- Recording a Zoom Meeting
- Comprehensive Guide to Educating with Zoom

Ready To Do More With Zoom?
- Visit our Zoom Guide: Pro Tips for Presenters
- Add zoom to your D2L course to easily schedule classes via Zoom and share recordings
- Create a new module called “Zoom”
- Select “Create a Link” and enter the Zoom address of your personal Zoom meetings
- For pre-recorded Zoom sessions, include those as links or video.
- Use your Zoom Personal Meeting link to host student hours. Starting September 27, 2020, Zoom will require all meetings to use either a passcode or waiting room, so be sure to select one of them during you set-up.
- Make scheduling and launching Zoom Meetings easier with Zoom add-ins for Microsoft Teams.
- Reach more participants by Live streaming your Zoom meeting to YouTube or Facebook. Be sure to enable the setting on your account and test before the big event. You can also contact a Service Desk if you need to host a private meeting with more than 300 participants.