Learning Resources
Brainfuse Online Tutoring
Delaware Tech is excited to partner with Brainfuse to provide free online tutoring and academic resources for students! Brainfuse provides 24/7 help in a variety of disciplines.
Learning with Technology
The purpose of this D2L course is to provide you with resources that will help you successfully use the technology tools available at Delaware Tech. View only what you need to get answers to your questions like; What classes am I taking? – What do I do before the first day of class? – How do I complete my Assignments? And more…. You must be logged in to the MyDTCC portal to access this link.
Note Taking Strategies
It can be hard to know what to write down when your instructors is lecturing at 1000 words a second. And how do you sort out all of the important information when reading a textbook chapter. These practical strategies for taking more effective notes will save you time and help you retain the information better.
Overcoming Test Anxiety
Do you freeze up when it comes time to take an exam or quiz? Do you do perfect on all of the practice assignments but suddenly forget everything when it matters most? You may be experiencing test anxiety, and this page offers real solutions to help overcome this challenging situation.
Preparing for Online Courses
This page provides a video and several key attributes to know about so you can learn more about what it takes to be successful in online learning here at Delaware Tech, as well as some of the common myths about online education
Submitting Handwritten Work
Sometimes, you will be expected to submit handwritten work in through D2L. This page will help walk you through the tools you can use and the process you can follow to help you do this simply and successfully.