Student Course Evaluations
Course Evaluation Periods
Course Evaluations:
All course evaluations are made available to students 1 week prior to the last day of the class and close 1 week after the last day of the class.
Course Reporting
Course evaluations should be made available to instructors, department chairs and Deans of Instruction within 1-2 hours of the close of the course evaluation period. Timely access to course evaluations provides instructors with important information to empower instructors to make improvements in their teaching and the course prior to the session or offering.
Frequently Asked Questions
The tutorials linked below refer to EvaluationKit, the course evaluation tool that is being used for courses being delivered in D2L.
Can I track the number of responses to my course evaluations?
How do I access and download instructor results from course evaluations?
Can I view the results of a specific project in the course evaluations?
How do I build a report from my course evaluation results?
How do I share my course evaluation report?
How do I access results feedback?
How do I filter results and add benchmarks to my course evaluation reports?
How do I edit, save, and export my course evaluation report?

Tips to Improve Survey Completion Rates
Therefore, instructors are encouraged to use creative methods within the policies of their department to achieve maximum completion rates of course evaluations. Listed here are tried-and-true ways to increase response rates to your course surveys. If you have other ideas or suggestions that have worked for you, please let CCIT know.

- Use the learning management system regularly throughout the semester. If students are already familiar with using the LMS for your course, they will more readily complete a survey offered through the LMS.
- Let students know as soon as the surveys are available, and set aside a minute at the beginning of every class to remind them.
- Inform students that their responses are anonymous and that you will not even be able to see them until after final grades are submitted – and even then, they remain anonymous.
- Communicate to your students not only that the College values their feedback, but more importantly, that you do, because honest feedback helps you create a better experience for future students.
- If you are in a computer lab and have class time to spare, let students complete the survey in class.
- If you are not in a computer lab, see if any are available for use.